
高端访谈|小慧对话马萨里克大学Milan Konecny教授

慧天地 2021-09-20



 学术报告现场(刘雪 摄影)

12月1日上午,依托科技部2019年度高端外国专家引进计划“海洋综合导航定位理论与方法国际合作研究”项目的支持,应海洋与空间信息学院测绘系邀请,前国际制图协会主席、国际欧亚科学院院士、马萨里克大学Milan Konecny教授来中国石油大学(华东)进行学术交流,为在校师生做了题为《Smart Spatial Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction in Big Data Era》的学术讲座。

报告从环境可持续发展和灾害风险管控两个方面引出面对全球灾害,该如何及时预警、监测、风险防范、灾后恢复的思考,进而提出在大数据时代,鼓励各国政府和机构对数据的共享,建设“数据一带一路”,建立全球数据生态圈。并以两组不同年龄段小孩绘制危险地段地图符号的实验为例,提出在利用这些数据制图时应当考虑地图的适用人群等技术细节问题。在场师生与Milan Konecny教授进行了深入的交流。

Milan Konecny教授,国际欧亚科学院院士、捷克马萨里克大学地理系教授、前国际制图协会(ICA)主席、国际数字地球学会(ISDE)副主席,他成立了ICA早期预警和危机管理制图委员会并担任主席,从2019年7月开始继续担任其副主席,国际欧亚科学院(IEAS)欧洲区主席。长期从事GIS、遥感、数字制图、灾害管理、可持续发展和全球环境评估方向的教学、科研和项目管理工作。

小慧对话Milan Konecny教授

小慧: 教授您好,欢迎来到青岛,你对青岛的印象如何?你能给我们介绍一下马萨里克(Masaryk)大学的地理信息学科发展吗?


Milan Konecny 教授:青岛是个很棒的城市,有着优美的风景,我看到了美丽的公园与海滩。而且这里的大学真的很现代化,这里的教授也很棒。这个城市有着很多美食,我很喜欢中国饮食文化。早在1991年,我就曾第一次来到中国。1985年,我写了第一本有关地理信息系统领域的使用教材。至于Masaryk大学的地理信息系统学科发展,我认为我们做得很好,我们在南京已经完成了一些在大数据和灾难管理领域的小项目,今天我也会在讲座中展示一些,我们也与南京师范大学有合作展开的项目。当然,我们也有兴趣在哥白尼计划的框架内与中国其他教授展开合作。地理信息系统发展很快,我将在演讲中展示关于不同类型的地理信息系统发展的幻灯片。


小慧: 在灾害管理和风险降低方面,哪些GIS应用或技术是潜在的最有帮助的工具?


Milan Konecny 教授:我认为是数据协作,收集数据和可视化数据,并将其用以可视化相关情况。当然了,我们拥有移动设备,但是当洪水来袭并冲破桥梁或区域性河床时,令我们感到惊讶的是,我们没有应对这种情况的合适的模型。因此,我们需要大数据来开发更好的模型,因为我们在地理上主要使用采样的方法,但是现在我们需要从所有数据中学习,这就是大数据很重要的原因。


小慧: 作为是ICA制图委员会早期预警和危机管理的负责人,在这一领域,哪些研究方向最重要?或者说您们最需要哪种类型的研究工作?


Milan Konecny 教授:一切都很重要,所有步骤都很重要。例如,几年前,谷歌组织一个关于流感的“better than doctors”的项目。因为在所有国家,如果人开始头痛,他们都会希望明天就能好起来。而明天如果没有好转,患者就必须去药房买些药品。随后他们会去医院,医生会将他们统计归档。但是,谷歌选择了直接查询药房里卖了多少药,这样他们就能提前一两天知道大规模流感何时到来。减灾的相关应用更多的是让人们参与到其中来。这展示了复杂系统如何应对类似这样的情况,以及如何利用我们的技术来帮助人们。不幸的是,中国经常会发生一些灾害,而在欧洲,这种灾难更可能每50年发生一次, 因此我们无法在灾害发生前就让相关专家做好准备,只能随时等待着为受灾地区提供相应的帮助。减灾相关系统应该是互补的、符合逻辑的并且能够有效工作的。




Milan Konecny 教授:人工智能及大数据技术绝对是必要的,而且这些技术正在发挥着它们的作用。因为大数据不仅仅是大量的数据,对我们来说,我们用更复杂的角度寻找并使用我们以前使用过的数据,对这些数据的分析主要致力于减少灾害风险,因此我看到了大数据的巨大机遇。新技术中,特别是人工智能方法,应该大力发展起来,因为我们还没有那么多类似的方法。我们需要进行更多相关的研究。



Milan Konecny 教授:我会这样回答你,学习,学习,再学习!这意味着你应该思考和留意正在发生的相关学术动态,思考什么是更好的解决方案,同时也要查阅许多论文。广泛的进行实践并交流最佳的实践经验。例如,在一些方面我们仍然没有一个固定标准(好比我们无法对葡萄牙、中国和澳大利亚的灾害事件进行比较),因为我们在地图上没有使用相同的图例。我认为我们在灾害管理方面需要发展更精确的方法,确保能在世界不同的地区使用,并且要对不同的地理情况敏感。



Q1: Welcome to Qingdao. What's your impression of Qingdao? Can you tell us something about the development of geographic information at Masaryk University?


Milan Konecny: Very nice city, have very nice scenery, and I have seen very nice park and beach. University is really modern. The city also has some good food and I love Chinese food .The first time I went to China was 1991.I wrote the first textbook in GIS field in 1985. As for the GIS in Masaryk , we are doing very well .We have some finish small project in Nanjing in the field of big data and disaster management .I will show some slides today. We also have project work together with Nanjing Normal University. We are also interested in cooperating with the professor here within the frame of Copernicus. GIS is developing very fast, and I would show the slides of seven different types of GIS development during my presentation.


Q2: Regarding disaster management and risk reduction, which GIS applications or techniques could be the most helpful and powerful tool?


Milan Konecny : Definitely would be collaboration data, collection data and visualization data to visualize how the situation is. Again we have mobiles, but when flood is coming and breaking the bridge or the regional riverbed, what would surprise us and we have no such model for this position, so developing better model we need big data, since we are using mostly samples in geography, but now we need to learn from all data, this is why big data is important.


Q3: As you are a chairman of ICA commission on Cartography on Early warning and crises management, which research directions are most important in this field? Or which kind of research works are most needed?


Milan Konecny: All is very important, and all that steps is important. For examples, some years ago, google was organizing a project “better than doctors” about influenza. Because in all countries, if someone start to have headache, you wish to get better in tomorrow, while tomorrow won’t be better and you have to go to pharmacy and buy some medicine. Then third day you will go to see doctor and he will say oh you are influenza and put you in statistics. But, google check directly how many medicine have been sold in pharmacy so that they know one or two days earlier when influenza is coming. Disaster reduction is more about inclusion of people to the game, it is about complex system how to deal with such of this situation, how to use our technology to 

help people. Of course it is not easy, because unfortunately, there are often many disasters in China. But in Europe, it is more likely every 50 years. So it is difficult to keep some specialist first, only to be ready to help us. Because we do not know when it happen. The system should be complementary, logic and able to work.


Q4:What's your opinion on the future development of artificial intelligence and big data technology in disaster management?


Milan Konecny: This is absolutely necessary, and it is going work. Because big data are not only a lot of data, for us, we search for the key to use our data that we used before with more complex point of view, it is disaster risks reduction and there I see big chance of big data. Especially artificial intelligence methods, should be developed, since we still don’t have so many such methods. We would need more related research. 

Q5: As an experienced Phd supervisor, could you give some advice to Chinese student who want to pursue their own academic career and do a Phd in the future?


Milan Konecny : I would response you in this way, just learn, learn, and learn. It means you should look what is going on, what is better solution, and also look for many reviewed papers. Such best practices to exchange, we still have a lot to do, and for example, we have no standard. We cannot compare fires in Portugal, China and Australia. We have no same legend in Map. We still have to do a lot in our combination. I believe we need more precise method and development in disaster management, which should be applie in different areas in the world and sensitive to different geographical situation.d









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编辑:沈家伟  审核:富裕
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